Toplam Sayfa Görüntüleme Sayısı

21 Mayıs 2011 Cumartesi

Calculations for Profit Margin for 2000 Ton/ Year Capacity

Capacity of Hid-Kim was decided as 2000 ton/year. With this capacity, Hid-Kim has a market rate; 10% of europe market and 2% of world hydrazine production. According to this capacity, hydrogen peroxide process was choosen for the optimum production of hydrazin. Due to this capacity and these informations, profit margin was found as 8000$/ton hydrazine.

Price of NH3 : 400 $/ton = 0,4 $/kg (1,1 kg consumed for 1kg product)
Price of H2O2 : 400 $/ton = 0,4 $/kg (1,8 kg consumed for 1kg product)
Price of N2H2 : 9160 $/ton = 9,16 $/kg product
Total price of input : 1,16 $/ 1kg product
Profit Margin = 8$/1 kg product = 8000$/ton = 16 million $/year (for 2000 ton/year capacity)

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