Toplam Sayfa Görüntüleme Sayısı

21 Mayıs 2011 Cumartesi

Production and Consumption Data in the World

Production and consumption data of hydrazine in the world was researched and following figure was graphed.

In order to decide capacity and target market for this project production and consumption data in the world was examined. According to Figure 2, it can be seen that there is a 2000 ton/year demand in europe. Due to socioeconomic reasons and easy transportation europe was selected as target market.

In Figure 3 build up capacities of the leading firms can be seen. According to this figure, in europe market, Hid-Kim (factory that is going to be built after this project) has to compete with big firms like Olin, Mobay and Bayer. Hid-Kim lays on the right side of this graph, reason of this is, there is no need of hydrazine in world market.

Europe market rate of Hid-Kim can be seen in Figure 4.

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